Saturday, December 22, 2007



I see you. Behind that mask...I know it's you.

Like characters in a pantomime or celebrating Mardi Gras, we all wear a mask. You don't know everything about the people closest to you, and so much less about people just outside your immediate circle - including colleagues and neighbors, and even some relatives.

And they know about as much about you, because the rest of the details are all hidden behind your mask.

The lighter your mask, the more open you are, the more fruitful your relationships will be. And the more risk of getting bruised. But without risk, there is no reward.

I am not going to ask you to remove your mask, as such a drastic move would be more traumatic than helpful. But I do ask you to find ways to make that mask lighter, to share more of yourself with more people, and to invite them to do the same. The more fruitful our relationships, the happier we are.

So let me see a little more of the you behind that mask.

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