Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Lessons to be Learned from Your Dog:

Lessons to be Learned from Your Dog:
Eckhart Tolle on Being in the Now

There are various portals that you can use to enter the Now. One portal is to become aware of the energy field of your body as you sit there. To feel that you are actually alive in your hands and your arms and your legs, throughout your body. There is an aliveness that most people cannot feel because they are only in their heads, thinking. All their attention is absorbed by thinking and they are not present where they are. So you can use this portal, the aliveness of your inner body. You can use sense perceptions…watch nature—trees or animals or your dog. Just be alert as you watch a dog, playing, resting; play with a dog…you can learn being present from an animal. Your dog can teach you to be present because the dog is ready to enjoy, celebrate life any moment… the Now. The dog is in the Now so it can teach you or remind you. When you become burdened with problems, look at your dog and see how the dog is always ready to celebrate life. Another opening is to ask yourself whether you are friendly with the present moment or whether you are making the present moment into an obstacle or enemy. If you are against it or want to run away from it, you create stress, you create anxiety, you create past guilt or resentment…all these things that people carry around, they are in the past, and then you have the burden of the future which you can’t control, so to come to the present moment is actually a transformation of consciousness. That’s why The Power of Now has had such an impact because it has told people that they didn’t realize they could be present and they could simplify and deepen their lives tremendously and make it more joyful. They show us what we have lost and, once we realize that, they can help us in our shift into a deeper state of consciousness.

1 comment:

Adam said...

Hi Jennifer...

Thanks for your post about entering the NOW by learning from your dog. I'm in the process of learning about all sorts of new portals into the NOW. I recently got in touch with a gentleman who wrote a book called How Now: 100 Ways to Celebrate the Present Moment. I'm so focused on all this these days because I just created a tool called The Now Watch to help bring more presence to people's lives. It's a watch that tells the time like any watch but more importantly features the word NOW prominently on the face serving as a reminder that no matter what time of day it is... the time is always NOW.

Please check out if you are intrigued. Perhaps it can help trigger a reminder to access these portals to the present moment more often.