Tuesday, December 20, 2011

All the world's a stage...

“All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players: they have their exits and their entrances”

” …for there is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.”~William Shakespeare

This morning while basking in that state of just waking, I thought, What a blessing to be alive and awake in a world that is alive and awake! I love when I am still enough to feel the aliveness of this world in the air…... I used to think that life was a story and that Jennifer was the main character and that everything that happened should benefit me in every way….oh what suffering that brought!

Now, I see that this world is alive and I am here to serve the play ~ Lila as the Hindu tradition calls it. I have no control over the play of life but I do have control over how I see my role, how I perform, over what attitude I bring to my role and over whether I am going to be on the “D list” or give an Oscar-worthy effort! Attitude is everything and the only thing in this world that I own completely. Thank you life for calling me to serve…Namaste.